We offer a select service for clients who can’t or simply don’t want to outlay a large, upfront payment for a subscription to an expert network.
Access a bespoke
expert network.
No time commitment.
No signup fees.
No subscription timeline.
Pay only for
the calls you make.
With PI On-Demand You Get
The same access to a diverse network of experts across all industries and sectors globally
Fully automated system ensures that all projects submitted are given immediate attention no matter what geographical location
The convenience of a bespoke expert network service without the hassle of dealing with sales reps and the renewal process
On-Demand Pricing
$1450 per credit*
* Pricing can vary based on factors including, but not limited to, geography, project scope, and industry/sector.
Pay via ACH or Credit Card using your secure online account.

About Primary Insight
Primary Insight LLC is an expert network service founded inside Bear, Stearns in 2005 and headquartered in New York City. We are industry veterans with superior market knowledge who pioneered the bespoke primary source research process. For each request, the Primary Insight team will:
Target and recruit fresh experts
Deliver a “qualifying statement” with each expert biography, enabling clients to be more selective in their choice of consultants
Provide exceptional project turn-around time: Most expert bios will be provided within 24 hrs of initial project request
Maintain Privacy: Every expert signs our confidentiality agreements and project information is not re-purposed